Module 1 – SLPIDENTIFYING A TOPIC AND REVIEWING THE LITERATURE The Session Long Project (SLP) will focus on the development of Dissertation/DSP Prospectus. Each SLP will require you to draft and str


The Session Long Project (SLP) will focus on the development of Dissertation/DSP Prospectus. Each SLP will require you to draft and strengthen a component of the Prospectus.

Develop an outline of your Prospectus using the Dissertation/DSP Prospectus Template and begin drafting sections of chapters 1 and 2. 

  1. Draft your Introduction, Background, Problem Statement, and Purpose Statement sections of chapter 1.
  2. Begin drafting the Conceptual or Theoretical Framework section of chapter 1.
  3. Start your list of key terms for your study.
  4. Within chapter 2, begin drafting your Literature Search Strategy section.
  5. Develop an outline of topics and subtopics for your Synthesis of the Literature and present these using APA heading levels 3, 4, and 5.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Upload your Prospectus draft to the SLP 1 Dropbox.

The assignment should align to the required format found in the Dissertation/DSP Prospectus Template found in the Doctoral Resource Center. 

Note: By the end of module 2, chapter 2 should be at least 10 pages long. By module 4, chapter 2 should be at least 20 pages long. 

Assignment-Driven Criteria: Covers all key elements of the assignment in a substantive way.

Critical Thinking: Conceptualizing the problem. Viewpoints and assumptions of experts are analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated. Conclusions are logically presented with appropriate rationale.

Scholarly Writing: Proficiency in scholarly writing, following required structure and organization of the assignment, using relevant and quality sources to support ideas, using in-text citations of sources, and properly formatting references (bibliography).

Professionalism and Timeliness: Taking responsibility for learning; adhering to course requirement policies and expectations; assignment submitted on time or with instructor’s pre-approved extension.