Module 1 – SLPMANAGEMENT IN THE 21ST CENTURYAssignment Overview Assessing your Leadership Skills In this week’s Case Assignment, you researched essential management concepts. Critically assessing mana

Module 1 – SLPMANAGEMENT IN THE 21ST CENTURYAssignment Overview

Assessing your Leadership Skills

In this week’s Case Assignment, you researched essential management concepts. Critically assessing managerial skills throughout your career allows for continued growth. For the SLP, you will complete a self-evaluation which will include a plan for growth/development and skill-building based on the following Managerial Skill Assessment Categories of Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling:

Planning: A manager’s role in supporting the company’s vision and mission and how managers establish and track goals and objectives for themselves and their teams.

Organizing: Organization Design, including individual job responsibilities, and maintaining Corporate Culture and Social Networks.

Leading: Leadership and Decision-Making, Working in Groups or Teams, Motivating subordinates, or managing a Diverse Workforce.

Controlling: Systems/Processes (Establishing and tracking performance standards), or Strategic Human Resources: having the right people in positions.

SLP 1 Resources: Use the following Sources to help fill out the attached template.

What Do Managers Do? (2020)The Roles Managers Play (2020)Is Planning Important? (2020)Formal Organizational Planning in Practice (2020)Group Decision-Making (2020)Contingency and System Management (2020)Team Diversity (2020)

SLP Assignment Expectations

Management & Leadership Self-Assessment

Using the provided template Self-Appraisal Form (MGT280 SLP1), complete the following written Appraisal and Plan for each area:

    1. Fill out the top section with your name, years of experience, date, and a narrative overview of your Managerial or Supervisory Experience. (50-word minimum).
    2. Check the skill level box for each section to determine your skill level on each category (10):
      • I have experience with this attribute or have mastered this skill.
      • I am developing this attribute or have basic knowledge of this skill.
      • I have little to no experience or knowledge of this attribute or skill.
    3. Evaluate your attribute or skills for each Category of Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling on the template using the following scale (2-3 sentences each):
      • Self Assessment (2-3 sentences): Example: Apply to your real-life experiences within the work environment.
      • Growth & Development Plan (2-3 sentences): Example: My goal is to move into xx position, and I need to learn how to use xx software to track goals. Example: It is necessary to be more effective in leading a team or group because xx.
      • Training Opportunities: (2-3 Sentences): Look at upcoming classes, education at work, and online opportunities for training to enhance your skillset. Provide links to training if applicable.