Module 2

Demonstrate ability to comprehend and summarize in written material.

Write a one page analysis of the document provided here following the steps of the writing process, as well as showing the thesis of the article, the main points that support that thesis, and your own response and reaction to the authors point of view and how it is presented. Do this in complete paragraphs using correct formal English that has been revised, proofed, and edited to show good form.

Grading scale

4 – Student confidently cites the thesis of the passage and builds his/her summary around this information
4- Students sentences fully discuss main ideas of the article, offer in-depth original ideas about the article offering an in-depth analysis of the reading.
4- Students organization shows thoughtful consideration of possible implications of the article ideas. Student uses support relevant to review entire article
4 – Varied sentence structure and simple/complex sentences handled correctly. Demonstrates competent use of the steps of the writing process. Effective use of transitions noted.
4 – All sentence choices create analysis containing a good topic sentence, through discussion of the main idea of that topic. A variety of simple and complex sentences with no grammatical and/or mechanical errors.