Module 2 Discussion: Alleged Voter Suppression in a Democracy1111 unread replies.1111 replies. The landmark ruling in the court case Shelby County v. Holder (2013; check out video in the module for mo

Module 2 Discussion: Alleged Voter Suppression in a Democracy1111 unread replies.1111 replies.

The landmark ruling in the court case Shelby County v. Holder (2013; check out video in the module for more info about the case) has empowered and emboldened several states to implement and execute laws and practices that have the net effect of disenfranchising some groups of voters.  

In Texas, as a result of its traditionalistic culture, there has been a long history of using tactics to encumber eligible voters from exercising this right. For example, there have been several laws passed that limit the number of voting locations, the open hours of those locations, or innovative methods to casting votes. These laws most impact counties that include Houston, DFW, San Antonio, and Austin.  Texas joins several other states in which laws and official practices make voting more difficult and less accessible for low-income individuals, people under the age of 30, and people of color.

Read the Texas Tribune article about voter disenfranchisement. to an external site.

Your Tasks for this Assignment:

Some might argue that these are concerted efforts to disenfranchise black, brown, low income and young voters. Others might say these circumstances are simply unfortunate coincidences in the overall effort to ensure the integrity of elections.

  1. Using the AI Writing Tool of your choice, enter this prompt: “What are some of the ways that Texas has made voting more onerous since the court case Shelby County v. Holder.” Enter the prompt several times until you have sufficient responses that give context.
  2. In your essay discussion post, answer these questions:
    • What is your opinion? Do you think these are concerted efforts to disenfranchise black, brown, low income and young voters, OR do you think these circumstances are simply unfortunate coincidences? Whichever side you choose to argue, state why you agree/disagree with the AI output and relate your opinion back to concepts we have studied in the course.
    • AI does not generate perfect information and often has biases. What is one thing you notice in any of the responses that doesn’t quite feel right to you or you think might need to be investigated more to determine the accuracy?
    • The way voting is set up in the United States means that it is easier to vote for people who have availability on a weekday during the day (like, older Americans) than it is for those who may work shifts or be away at school (like, younger Americans). How do you feel about this? Do you think this is the way it should be?
    • What do you imagine could be the impact of older people having the greatest influence over the future of Texas and of America? Have you seen any examples already that you don’t like?
  3. Finally, find an academic or journalistic article from a credible source that explores access to voting (in Texas, nationally or even in another country) more deeply. Find one that teaches you something that you didn’t know before, and state what it is that you learned from that article.  You must include a PDF attachment of your article. The source of the article must be clearly identified.

***Note: Please use the HCC Library or Student Tutoring Center to help you identify “credible sources” for the article you choose.  Wikipedia is not considered a credible source. 

Your discussion response is like a mini essay paper. College-level analysis is expected of you based on what you have studied in the course thus far. Your response should be written in paragraph form, not bullet points, since this is an essay.

Your post should NOT exceed 275 relevant, responsive, and complete words in order to receive full points. Points will be deducted for exceeding the word count.  Also, use the attached rubric to have a clear understanding of what is expected of you. 

After posting your response, please respond meaningfully (75 words or more) to the post of at least one other classmate for full credit. No credit will be given to posts that say, “I agree” or “interesting point.” Remember to be respectful of differing perspectives.

You must also turn in your discussion post response in the “Assignments” folder. All you need to do is cut and paste your original response there. You will NOT receive full credit for your response if you do not submit it, by the deadline, in both locations.

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