Module 3 Discussion: Communication Research Methods


Read the article :   


The topic this week is RESEARCH! To be effective in communicating with an organizations publics, we must be constantly listening and scanning the environment for information. This is key, especially when it comes to listening to your target audience.

Now that you have selected Comcast as a company for your final project, read this article and write, in a couple of sentences, for each area explaining how your selected company (Comcast)  assess some typical attributes to define its target market. Do your best and at the end of the semester, once you have completed your final project, we will circle back and see how your initial research from this discussion post compares to your final project.

The fun aspect of research is that it doesnt lie, and if used correctly and collected correctly, can tell a great story and provide some remarkable data for a variety of different projects.

For this weeks discussion post, you may not be able to provide specific details for each of the following attributes. If this occurs, discuss what you hope to find when conducting your research. Be creative think outside the box! Dont settle for the first answer you come across this is why research is so important and can be quite eye-opening.  Research is many times like Pandora’s box – one idea leads to another and another

Read the article and discuss in a couple of sentences for each area explaining how your selected company/organization assess some typical attributes to define its target market. REMEMBER to cite your work in APA style No Page Count requirement 

  • Are your prospects B2B or B2C, government, or not-for-profit? 
  • Are they small to mid-sized business or larger enterprises?
  • Where are they located? 
  • How many companies or consumers make up the target market?
  • Is there a typical type of person who buys your product or service?
  • Where do they meet or communicate with peers?
  • How do they get information to learn about products and services such as yours?
  • How do they buy? What is the buying criteria? How often do they buy?
  • Are there trends in the purchasing processes they use?