Module 3 – SLPEMPLOYEE BENEFITS Read: Types of Employee Benefits and Perks for an overview of the employee benefits area. As you have learned from the article, some benefits are required by law and


Read: Types of Employee Benefits and Perks for an overview of the employee benefits area.  As you have learned from the article, some benefits are required by law and others are offered by the organization to attract high-caliber employees. The purpose of this assignment is to determine the effectiveness of your current benefits package and to decide if adjustments should be made at this time. The following videos will also help you in the completion of this assignment.

AIHR. (2019, December 16). Top 4 benefits employees value most [Video]. YouTube.  Standard YouTube license.

All5! (2017, August 21). 5 amazing employee benefits offered by tech companies! [Video]. YouTube.  Standard YouTube license.

Bellinger, J. (2020, January 14). 2 minutes on Tuesday: Top desired employee benefits [Video]. YouTube. Standard YouTube license.

Edhear. (2017, November 30). Strategic compensation [Video]. YouTube. Standard YouTube license.

Save Money Tips. (2019, February 7). What companies give the best benefits? [Video]. YouTube.  Standard YouTube license.

SLP Assignment 

For the Module 3 SLP assignment, you will write a 2- to 3-page paper that contains the benefits offered by your current employer (no dollar amounts). 

You will then compare your list with the content in a few of the readings or videos from the Background page. Determine which benefits, if any, should be added to your list. Last, create a new benefits plan that you would like to receive from your employer. 

The conclusion of the paper should contain a rationale for why changes were made to your current benefits plan. 

Your submission will include:

  • Cover page (with all required components)
  • A 2- to 3-page paper with APA citations. A 2- to 3-page paper means the professor is looking for at least two full pages.
  • Use headings to keep the paper organized by topic.
  • Use one of the fonts recommended in the latest edition of the APA manual (7th ed).
  • The reference list contains at least one high-quality, peer-reviewed academic source (from the Trident Online Library or the Background page of Module 3) in correct APA format.

The use of direct quotes is strongly discouraged; however, if you do include any, limit the amount to not more than 10% of your paper. There is one academic purpose for the use of quotations from others: Putting their words into your own would change the meaning.

Since you are engaging in research, cite and reference the high-quality (peer-reviewed) sources in APA format. Other than a source for your organization, all other references must come from the Trident Online Library. See Trident’s Introduction to APA for for help with in-text citations. Another resource is the Purdue OWL website. All research should be cited in the body of the paper. In-text citations and corresponding references should be included in your paper.

You will find the following useful as you critique sources:

Herring, J. E. (2011). Improving students’ web use and information literacy: A guide for teachers and teacher librarians. Facet Publishing. Available in the Trident Online Library, EBSCO eBook Collection.

Lack, C. W., & Rousseau, J. (2016). Critical thinking, science, and pseudoscience: Why we can’t trust our brains. Springer Publishing Company. Available in the Trident Online Library, EBSCO eBook Collection.