Module 4 Discussion- Gender at the Intersections

Activity Instructions:

Part One

What is crucial to understand about intersectionality is that it is not intended to describe each oppression and privilege a person experiences added together. Instead, intersectionality intends to highlight the ways oppression and privilege intersect in order to form unique ways of experiencing these systems. Instead of separating people based on groups, intersectionality draws attention to the ways experiences of identity impact each other. For example all women experience sexism but because of the intersections of racism, Black women experience sexism differently than white women. We can see this when white women are discriminated against by being seen as passive or weak while Black women are discriminated against by being seen as loud or aggressive in addition to other harmful racial stereotypes. The racism and sexism are tied together and cannot be separated into one or the other. This remains true for all intersecting experiences such as sexual orientation, gender identity, class, disability, etc.

For this discussion: 

  • First, discuss your understanding of the topic and how the conversation between the snail and the caterpillar in the cartoon represents intersectionality. How does overlapping privilege and oppression effect these characters? What do you think the fence represents and how does it impact their relationship?
  • Reflecting on this and the examples Kimberl Crenshaw discusses in her TedTalk, discuss another example of intersectionality you come up with. This can be something you have observed in real life, in the media (such as TV, movies, or online) or a hypothetical example you create yourself. When discussing your example be sure to cover the ways oppressions and privileges overlap to create unique experiences. 
  • The comic “Intersectionality: A Fun Guide” illustrates the importance of intersectionality in social justice movements. How can we apply an intersectional approach to addressing the example you brought up? Why is an intersectional perspective so important when studying gender in society? 

Please share as much insight as possible and support your ideas with evidence from the materials this week. Message me if you have trouble!

Part Two

For your response, please take a look at the discussion shared by one of your classmates and respond directly to their post with your reactions and reflections on what they have shared. You should also discuss the following based on what your classmate has shared: 

  • Is there anything in their example that you related to or found confusing? What intersections or experiences did their post draw your attention to that you hadn’t considered before?
  • How can you apply ideas they discussed to studying gender and to the goal of bridging across difference? 
  • Is there anything you would add to their discussion or are there any questions you wish you could answer in order to better understand intersectionality?


1. First, discuss your understanding of the topic and how the conversation between the snail and the caterpillar in the cartoon represents intersectionality. How does overlapping privilege and oppression effect these characters? What do you think the fence represents and how does it impact their relationship?

Response: My understanding of the topic of how the conversation between the snail and the caterpillar in the cartoon represents intersectionality because through an awareness of intersectionality, we can better acknowledge and ground the differences among one and another. 

2. Reflecting on this and the examples Kimberl Crenshaw discusses in her TedTalk, discuss another example of intersectionality you come up with. This can be something you have observed in real life, in the media (such as TV, movies, or online) or a hypothetical example you create yourself. When discussing your example be sure to cover the ways oppressions and privileges overlap to create unique experiences.

Response: This can be something you have observed in real life, in the media (such as TV, movies, or online) or a hypothetical example you create yourself. When discussing your example be sure to cover the ways oppressions and privileges overlap to create unique experiences. 

3. The comic “Intersectionality: A Fun Guide” illustrates the importance of intersectionality in social justice movements. How can we apply an intersectional approach to addressing the example you brought up? Why is an intersectional perspective so important when studying gender in society? 

Response: Intersectional perspective is important when studying gender in society because its someone who’s part of a number marginalized groups. For example, some intersections are being gay and black. 

Material Needed

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