Module 4: Identity – Self-reflection


Purpose: The goal of this discussion is for you to have a chance to apply what you are learning in this module about identity development to some real world examples.


  1. You MUST do this BEFORE posting: Join one of the two discussion groups available. Each one will be discussing the topic of identity in a slightly different way. One group will be reflecting on their own identity journey. The other group will be sharing examples of different identity statuses in media characters (from movies, books, news). To join a group you must go to the People page in Canvas by using the navigation column on the left. Once there, click on the “Groups” tab and select which Identity group you want to join. The video below shows you how to do this. You can also get guidance from the for this topic. To ensure enough participants in each group, I have limited the number of members, so join early in order to get into the group you want.
  2. Post an initial response to the appropriate prompt in your group’s discussion. DUE 3/25
    • Identity self-reflection: Discuss where you currently are versus where you were in high school in terms of Marcias identity statuses. Explain how you might have moved through different phases of identity along the way. If it helps your reflection, feel free to discuss your identity in any or all of the identity domains (e.g., vocational, gender/sexuality, ethnicity, etc).
    • Identity media examples: Find one individual whose identity you would like to discuss using what you’ve learned about identity formation. This could be a main character from a book (fiction or non-fiction), a character in a movie, TV series or song, or a famous or newsworthy person. Share with your group whom you’ve selected and which of Marcia’s identity statuses you think best fits this individual. Use specific examples to support your evaluation of their identity development. Since this prompt asks you to draw on media examples, I encourage you to include photos, trailers, video clips, etc. in your posts!
  3. Respond to 2 different posts in your group. Since there will be so many participants in each group, please respond to at least one post that has no other responses. And remember to add some new idea, challenge, or question for your peers to consider. DUE 3/28