Module 4 – SLPGLOBAL MARKET STRATEGIESAssignment Overview International Franchising We looked at exporting as a way to enter a foreign market. Buying a company is another option, but for this assignme

Module 4 – SLPGLOBAL MARKET STRATEGIESAssignment Overview

International Franchising

We looked at exporting as a way to enter a foreign market. Buying a company is another option, but for this assignment, you will look at franchising as entry strategies for international markets.

Session Long Project 4 Resources

Entry Strategies: Modes of Entry (2020)The Five Stages of Going Global (2020)Opportunities in International Business (2020)Top Global Franchises Ranking (2021)International Franchise Association

SLP Assignment


Over the last three modules, you have learned about international business and developed skills that will serve you now and in the future. It is time to put those abilities to work. You will present a franchise opportunity to an investor.

Select a franchise and a market outside of the United States. Research the process, cost, chosen market, and market from the type of business.


Write a 250- to 350-word document sharing the following:

  • A brief description of the franchise including initial costs
  • Target Country Market and Rationale
  • Market for the type of business
  • Why this project would be a good investment


You can talk about the same content that is written, but do not read it. Impromptu speaking has a different impact than reading from a screen.