Momentum Transfer

Momentum Transfer
CHE 377
Table of Contents
Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2
1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
2 Project Description…………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
3 Project Management & Deliverables …………………………………………………………………… 4
4 Turnitin…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
5 APA Style……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
6 Academic Honesty and Integrity Assurance…………………………………………………………. 5
7 Copyrights………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
8 Project and team-based work…………………………………………………………………………….. 6
9 Marking Scheme……………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
American University of the Middle East (AUM)
1 Introduction
Fluid flow through pipes is commonly used in heating and cooling applications, and fluid distribution
networks. Fluid in such applications is usually forced to flow by a pump or fan. A typical piping system
involves pipes of different diameters connected to each other by various fittings or elbows to route
the fluid; valves to control the flowrate; and pumps to pressurize the fluid.
In this project, students’ will work in teams to produce a piping system to transport a mixture of
alcohols, drawing the process flow diagram and using Aspen Plus software to run their design. The
student teams have the flexibility of choosing where to locate each pump, pipe and valve. The teams
are expected to present their most suitable combinations of pumps, pipes, and fittings. Provided the
results obtained at the end of simulation are realistic.
2 Project Description
Project title: Design of a piping system to transport a mixture of alcohols
A mixture of alcohol must be transported from a storage tank through a 1300-kilometer-long pipe
segments to another tank in a processing plant. The conditions of this stream are shown below:
Conditions Mixture of Alcohols
Temperature 40 ℃
Pressure 2 bar
Flow rate 300 kg/h
Composition (wt %)
Water 1.93
Methanol 0.07
Ethanol 97.3
Propanol 0.03
Isobutanol 0.1
3-Methyl-1-Butanol 0.27
1,2 Diethoxyethane 0.3

The piping system must have:
 You have 6 long pipe segments with the below specifications:
Each pipe must have certain fittings: Gate valves (between 20 to 50), butterfly valves (between 15 to
20), 90-degree elbows (between 12 to 24), straight tees (between 5 to 15), and branched tees
(between 5 to 10). However, students can choose any number of fittings given above in the brackets.
Two of the pipe segments need to have an elevation of 20 meters and 25 meters. Third pipe segment
need to have a rise of 45-degrees. You can choose the above elevations for any of the 6 pipes
 Minimum of one valve should be used in the system as pressure controller. (Maximum of 2
valves can be used).
 Data for the 4 centrifugal pumps are given a below:
Pump1 = ∆P equal to 2 bars
Pump2= Outlet pressure 4 bars
Pump3 = Power input 5 kW
Pump4 = Characteristic curve
Students must use Pump4 in their pipe system along with one other pump from the above.
Minimum of 2 pumps to be used in the simulation and maximum of 4 can be used in the simulation.
Head (m) Flow (l/min)
40 20
250 10
300 5
400 3
3 Project Management & Deliverables
This project is divided into the following deliverables.
Deliverable 1: Project’s simulation and report (week 11 & 13)- Group submission:
Students’ team must prepare and submit the Aspen Plus simulation during their Lab class in Week 11,
only one submission per group, however, all students must work on one or two pieces of equipment.
Write a report following the guidelines given for lab experiment report. (See details on the appendix).
Project report due date is Thursday May 12th, 2022.
Deliverable 2: Project calculations – Individual submission:
Details of this deliverable will be announced in the coming weeks.
4 Turnitin
Turnitin is a web-based solution that lets AUM faculty and AUM students check written work for
improper citation or misappropriated content. You may be assigned a username and a password to
be able to upload your assignments online, when and if requested. If you face any technical problem,
please contact IT at AUM.
5 APA Style
AUM adopts the APA writing style for all its academic programs. AUM students need to use this style
for their assignments. The following web site is of value for students: Students are also encouraged to visit the AUM
Writing Lab to receive help and guidance on all APA-related questions.
6 Academic Honesty and Integrity Assurance
One of the signs that the course material has been properly understood is honesty when
accomplishing the assignments. Lack of academic integrity (e.g. plagiarism, copying another person’s
work, the use of unauthorized aids on examinations, cheating, facilitating acts of academic dishonesty
by others) will not be tolerated. Therefore, if students include ideas, sentences, or other material that
are not theirs in their work, they must properly quote the source(s). Students are encouraged to
consult with the instructor if they have any questions on the issues of academic integrity or technical
formatting of the references.
Upon suspicion and doubt of the authenticity of the work submitted, the Instructor has the right to
ask the student to verify her/his work. This can be done through, but not limited to, repeating the
work, oral examination or discussion, alternative or similar on spot class assignment, pop quiz, or
any other action deemed necessary. If the student fails to prove the authenticity of the work, then
the Instructor will apply the academic misconduct rules as mentioned in the AUM Student
Handbook which may include awarding the work a zero grade.
Students are expected and encouraged to be honest and to maintain the highest standards of
academic integrity in their academic work and assignments at the University. Any act of Academic
Dishonesty may result in severe consequences for violations range from zero grades given for the
assignments, failing the course, and suspension from the University. Students will refrain from any
academic dishonesty or misconduct including, but not limited to:
 Upon suspicion and doubt of the authenticity of the work submitted, the Instructor has the
right to ask the student to verify her/his work. This can be done through, but not limited to,
oral examination or discussion, or any other action deemed necessary. If the student fails to
prove the authenticity of the work, then the Instructor will apply the academic misconduct
rules as mentioned in the AUM Student Handbook
 A zero grade will be given to all students that share exactly the same results: You will also be
held responsible if someone else copies your work – unless you can demonstrate that you have
taken reasonable precautions against copying.
 Any violation of the AUM standards will be taken as a violation to AUM policy and can lead to
penalties. If you wonder whether a course of action violates this policy, simply ask in advance
and please refer to the undergraduate AUM Student Handbook.
For a detailed description of academic misconduct, please refer to the AUM Student Handbook.
7 Copyrights
Students are expected to adhere to copyright practices, refer to the undergraduate AUM Student
8 Project and team-based work
The Project component of the course, if exist, is essential to pass this course. The project shows
competency in understanding and applying the course objectives and achieving the learning
outcomes. The project should allow the student to investigate, apply, research, and practice real-life
business situations. It is expected that each student to participate in the project as an effective team
member fully and actively.
For all group related work, the entire team is responsible for the team outcome and the deliverables,
except for the specific parts of the project that may be graded individually depending on the project’s
requirement and as communicated in the project document.
9 Marking Scheme
The project is worth 18% of the total grade of your course. Out of the total grade of the project;
Deliverable 1 (Group report & simulation) worth 10%.
Deliverable 2 (Individual calculations) worth 8%.
The student will be evaluated based on the grading scheme below for the group report:
No Item Marks Requirements
1 Title Page 5
2 Experimental Procedure 30 Skillful use of Aspen Plus
(Individual) + Lab Safety (Individual)
3 Results and Discussion 55 3 pages + Simulation file and
Team Goals 4
Gantt Chart 4
Peer Evaluation 2
Total 100
Task 1.
Guidelines for the content of the report
Add the following details: logo, title in capital letters, institution and department, student
name, student ID, group number, group members, supervisor’s name, and date. Adequate
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (3 pages + figures/tables)
a. In this section present your findings in the simplest way possible including: Extract
useful information from collected raw data, present the results in valuable way
utilizing tables or figures, evaluate influence of variables, relate outcomes to
fundamental concepts, and provide discussion of results.
b. Use the raw data collected during the lab session (or provided by the instructor).
c. Student will be evaluated on the understanding of the concept, practical application
of the case study and report structure.
d. Discuss the results and explain their significance, identify important issues, suggest
explanations for your findings, and outline any problems encountered.
e. Explain if the results are consistent with the theoretical background while comparing
your results with the similar works in references (e.g., books and lab manuals.)
f. This section must include tables and figures that have been done in excel, while
discussing the values obtained.
a. Any additional graphs or tables that are not directly referenced in the text.
b. Any additional information or pictures’
c. Caption the figures/images/tables
a. Sample calculations for all equations used
b. Include the excel sheet.
Task 2. Fill the following Team Goals table and submit it in the same file at the end of the assignment.
(4 Points)
Task Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6
Task 3. Fill the following Gantt Chart table and submit it in the same file at the end of the assignment.
(4 Points)
No Task/Day Date Date Date Date
Task 4. Fill the Peer Evaluation form and submit it Individually in the separate link provided on
N.B: the Peer Evaluation form is posted on Moodle. (2 Points)