
View the movie: “Miss Ever Boys”. The movie is available online through HBO Go, XFinity and Direct TV. You may also find other streaming options for rent or purchase such as YouTube or Individually, analyze how the principles of beneficence, respect for human dignity (or respect for persons), and justice were violated during the Tuskegee Study.

In your analysis consider:

  1. Did the study involve vulnerable subjects?
  2. Why did the “boys” not receive penicillin when it became available?
  3. How did the physician defend his refusal to allow the “boys” access to penicillin?
  4. How did participation in the study alter their lives and health?
  5. What was more important: a group of individuals being negatively affected in a study or the scientific knowledge that could be gained.

In your discussion, talk about the following point to address

Discuss 1 ethical principle of justice that was violated (right to fair treatment and/or right to privacy).