movies week5


Watch either a War film made in the last 25 years or a Neo Noir film from the list,  . (It cannot be your favorite movie.)

If you watched a War film, what does it have in common with the War films in the Week Five content? If you watched a Neo Noir film, what does it have in common with the Film Noir films in the Week Five content (other than being in color).

How does color play a part in the film you watched for this week? Identify at least three places that color stood out in the film.

Does there seem to be a predominate color or does a color seem to be missing from the film? If so, what is that color and do you think it had an impact on the film? If so how, if not why not?

If you did not see a predominate color or a color that seems to be missing from the film describe an addition place in the film where color plays a part.

Respond to at least two of your classmates.



Week 5: Film 1940 1960 (part 2)

War Films

War Film

Hollywood During WWII

How Pop Culture Helped Win the Cold War

Film Noir

How Color Changed the Movies

The Hollywood Blacklist: 1947 1960

Victims of Hollywood’s Blacklist

Origins of Film Noir

The Basics of Lighting for Film Noir

The History and Science of Color Film: From Isaac Newton to the Coen Brothers

The Changing Shape of Cinema: The History of Aspect Ratio

The Stranger (Welles, 1946)