Although Much Ado about Nothing is a romantic comedy, in which the major plots focus on the bonds between men and women, ultimately leading to marriage, much of the drama in this play concerns the loyalty that women have (or do not have) to other women, and the loyalty that men have (or do not have) to other men. Focus on either the male characters or the female characters, and develop an analysis of how the play presents both loyalty and disloyalty within the group of characters you choose. Be sure to develop an analysis that takes into account events across the entire play; this is a play in which characters change or are revealed over time, and a play in which the plot is full of reversals. An effective essay will quote from the play throughout. Your primary evidence must come from the text of the play, but you may also refer to Christopher Luscombes 2014 RSC production, which you will have screened. If you refer to the production in your essay, be sure to identify the director, the theatre company, and the year of production.