museum or historical site

A. Instructions for Final Course Paper Virtual Tour of a Museum
Suggestion: Look at more than one museum site. Some may be structured better than others.
1. Give the full name of the museum and its address. If there is no address provided, give its location such as, a city and state or country, if applicable. Even though youre taking a virtual tour, you can still discuss the kind of area the museum is in and its pros and cons in terms of parking and public transportation. One website I viewed had easy access to a map. Describe your reason(s) for choosing this museum.

2. Look up the mission statement of the museum on the website and cite it in text and on a reference page. If there is none, state what you think it is. Based on your tour and evaluation of the website explain why you think the museum does or does not accomplish its mission.

3. Describe your experience using the virtual tour. What does it do well and why and what needs improvement? Give in-depth details to support your points. Some aspects to consider:
visual appeal, ease of use, content, what parts of the collection the museum decided to feature for the online visitor.
4. Additional suggestions for developing your paper to meet the 4-5 page length requirement:
Add additional elements based on what you observe. Compare the virtual tour to one in another museum. Describe the architecture of the museum as seen on the website and how can it be used to draw visitors.