Music Management Final Project Proposal

Write a paragraph describing your proposed project in detail. It should be clear which project option you are choosing. Include any (credible) sources you plan to cite. Additionally, explain how the project is related to your interests and/or eventual career goals. Please list any other components you may include that are not listed above.

Proposal Details:

Label with a clear title

Length should be 0.5-1 page

12 point font, single spaced

The purpose of the final project is to apply the knowledge about the music industry acquired throughout the quarter to a practical undertaking in your area of interest. 

Your projects do not need to have any special design or layout, but the components should be clearly labeled and easy to identify. Please use page numbers. Completed projects will be submitted on Canvas. 

*Templates for each project option will be provided

All projects must include: 

1 Title Page and Table of Contents

2 Overall Description (1-2 pages) 

3 Goals, Expected Outcomes, and Challenges of the Project (.5-1.5 pages)

4 Overall Budget + Financial Plan (Narrative) 

5 Timelines and Schedules for the overall project

6 Revised Marketing Campaign (with separate Marking Budget and Timeline)

7 Descriptions of Roles and Responsibilities  

8 Other Project specific Information (listed below)

*The more thorough you area, the better grade you will get*

Project Options: 

1. Plan to Start your own Business

Record Label, Publishing Company, Venue, Marketing Firm, Management Co., etc. 

Beyond the above requirements, please include the following: 

1 Description of products and/or services

2 Market analysis (compare/contrast to similar businesses)

2. Record and Release a Record (or other creative project) 

Beyond the above requirements, please include the following: 

1 Publishing Plan (How will the rights be acquired and divided by the people involved) 

2 Distribution Plan

3. Plan a Tour

Beyond the above requirements, please include the following: 

1 Draft or Mock-up of Electronic Press Kit

2 List of venues and booking representatives from each

3 A list of all artists on each bill and justification or strategy for the billing

4. Professional Portfolio

Great option for people interested in becoming artists, songwriters, producers, studio musicians, music supervisors, etc. 

Beyond the above requirements, please include the following: 

1 Design Plan 

2 Resume 

3 Work Samples w/ descriptions and/or plans for the creation, design, and utilization of work samples

5. Propose your own Project 

Suggest the additional components in your project proposal. 

** You may change your project. You must submit a new proposal that is approved by Professor Heying. Please submit a new proposal no later than Friday March 5.**

Cite your sources: 

It is expected that you will consult authoritative sources such as the textbook, required readings and media, industry magazines, blogs, or websites in the course of your preparation of the project. Make sure these sources are reliable. To receive credit on the Final Project you MUST cite sources (approximately 3-6). Any format is fine as long as the author, title, type of publication, and publication date are all included.