Name: Assessment #2 – Lesson Plan Description: Assessment #2 evaluates candidates’ ability to develop social studies lesson plans that meet state and national and professional standards for the grad

Name: Assessment #2 – Lesson Plan

Description: Assessment #2 evaluates candidates’ ability to develop social studies lesson plans that meet state and national and professional standards for the grade level(s) they intend to teach.  Lesson planning performance assessment occurs during the SS 401 Social Studies Methods course and during student teaching. This assessment addresses 5 NCSS Standards (listed in the syllabus and on the module).


Assignment 2: Using the template provided complete a one day social studies lesson plan that has all sections of the lesson plan rubric. The topic selected must be from one of the social sciences listed below:

Civics – political institutions, function of government, civic participation, roles & responsibilities of citizens.

Economics – supply and demand, scarcity of good and services & global economy

History – World civilization, world wars, immigration patterns, explorations

Geography – use of geographic tools e.g. maps, human and physical features and regions, migration, natural disaster

Use provided template in canvas to develop your lesson plan.  

Each plan also should adhere to the following format (see details in the rubric):

1) State the topic in specific terms and grade level

2) Identify the all the NCSS and other relevant standards addressed in the lesson plans

3) Develop measurable students objective (3-4) from three different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy.

4) Plan and incorporate at least four or more different diverse teaching strategies      

5) List and explain the use of variety of technology students will use. You are expected to incorporate variety describing what the students will be doing when using the type of technology.

6) Carefully select and explain different challenging student activities you plan students to participate to meet each objective. Plans should show consider multiple learning styles, intelligences and individual  differences.  

7). Planned activities should show evidence of using higher order questions and critical thinking to guide student centered activities.

8) Include variety of assessments planned to determine student understanding of the objectives and planned activities.

9) Include a conclusion that sums up the highlights of the lesson you have just planned.  

10). Reflect on the planned lesson include, what you did better, opportunities missed and what you could do differently to improve your lesson plan activities.

Here are the NCSS Standards?

NCSS Standards

Standard 1 Content Knowledge

Candidates demonstrate knowledge of social studies disciplines. Candidates are knowledgeable of

disciplinary concepts, facts, and tools; structures of inquiry; and forms of representation.

Standard 2 Application of Content Through Planning

Application of Content Through Planning Candidates plan learning sequences that leverage social studies

knowledge and literacies, technology, and theory and research to support the civic competence of learners.

Standard 3 Design and Implementation of Instruction and Assessment

Design and Implementation of Instruction and Assessment Candidates design and implement instruction and

authentic assessments, informed by data literacy and learner self-assessment, that promote civic competence.

Standard 4 Social Studies Learners and Learning

Candidates use knowledge of learners to plan and implement relevant and responsive pedagogy, create

collaborative and interdisciplinary learning environments, and prepare learners to be informed advocates for

an inclusive and equitable society.

Standard 5 Professional Responsibility and Informed Action

Candidates reflect and expand upon their social studies knowledge, inquiry skills, and civic dispositions to

advance social justice and promote human rights through informed action in schools and/or communities.

This document is organized around the five core competencies