Narrative and Duty of Care

Only do the introduction Paragraph and the first and last sentence of the first and second body paragraph. Please follow instructions.
Only apply if you have read the book and you currently have the book to use for quotations.

In the ideas forum, you argued that a specific literary device was crucial to understanding a theme related to this class. This could be a thesis for a two-body-paragraph essay where the paragraphs would flow logically to talk about: device –> theme. However, for this class, remember that you need to talk about 2 texts in your term paper. So in this writing forum, we will practice doing this. Also in the ideas forum, you quoted and discussed your text, probably in the same way that you would in a body paragraph. Here, however, we should start using the TQR structure.

Remember: Thesis –> Quotation –> Roadmap.

If you need more guidance, revisit the instructions for the D1.2 discussion, as well as the postings of the students noted in the announcement, which were exemplary.

We will practice the TQR introduction, and add topic and transition sentences for our first two body paragraphs.

Remember: the points in your roadmap become the topic sentences in your body paragraphs, reworked. For example if, in your roadmap, you write, “The pivotal first step to understanding guilt in the novel is allusion,” something very similar should appear as the topic sentence in your first body paragraph: ” Allusion plays a crucial role as the first step in understanding guilt in the novel.” Repetition is part of a good argument; varying your prose is not only good writing, but it makes your argument sound less repetitive or boring.

Also remember: the roads in your roadmap become the transition sentence in your body paragraphs. Once you write your topic sentence, use your quotations and discuss them, its time to transition to your next topic. This sentence focuses on the logic of the argument. For example, we might write: “Once we understand the task allusion performs in underpinning guilt in the novel, we can then see the relationship allusion has with paradox.” In other words, the writer here is saying that only if we understand allusion first, will we be able to understand paradox.

For full marks on this assignment write a single introductory paragraph (as we did in D1.2) as well as the topic sentences and transition sentences for your first two body paragraphs as follows:

1. TQR Thesis Paragraph:

Write a thesis sentence that argues that one author uses a literary device better than another to help us understand a theme (related to law, morality and justice). The device and theme should be the same. For example, saying that Conrad uses postcolonial discourse better than Kafka who uses surrealism doesn’t make sense because Conrad doesn’t use surrealism!  Avoid apples and oranges situations. Conrad and Kafka both use dialogue, for example, so we might use this, and decide which is better. (Simply saying they both use it, or even that they use is well, is not an argument). (1 mark).
Next, make sure you include a quotation from one of the texts you argue, including either page number (for a novel), or line number (for a poem.) Use either Conrad, Auden or Kafka. The quotation should be very short, and can come from either text, although it usually makes sense to use the text you think is better. The quotation must be integrated into a sentence (1 mark).
Next, back up your argument and quotation with your map (3-5 sentences). Do not discuss the thesis or the quotation, but rather tell us the 3 points you will make in your three paragraphs. 2 of the points will be the device and theme we picked for our thesis. Now we must chose one more device and place it in the logic chain (from one of the 6 options above, choose 1, 3 or 5, since for this assignment you must use 2 devices) (0.5 marks).
The last thing is to make sure that you tell us why your points are ordered the way that you have chosen. The ‘why’ sentences should come in between the roadmap points. Think of it this way: The points are your destinations on your map, the ‘why’ is your logic, and your road. Roadmaps need both destinations and roads. (0.5 marks).
2. Topic + Transition Sentences for Body Paragraphs 1 + 2

A topic and transition sentence for body paragraph one, no quotation or discussion, just the first and last sentences of the paragraph (0.5 marks per sentence).
A topic and transition sentence for body paragraph two, no quotation or discussion, just the first and last sentences of the paragraph (0.5 marks per sentence).