Narrative essay

I am a 30 year old female. I have obtained my medical assistant certification and am now working towards my associates in Healthcare admin and then continuing for my bachelors. I have 2 daughters one 8 and the other 4. I am providing this info incase it may beneficial to the essay

Narrative Essay Instructions:  The following criteria reflect the areas needed for a successful narrative essay.

  • The essay should have a clear purpose and a main idea/thesis statement within the first paragraph.
  • The narrative should share a larger lesson with the audience than simply retelling an event. 
  • A strong narrative centers on a conflict building from introduction to body to a thought-provoking resolution. 
  • It should use descriptive language to bring the reader into the experience. 
  • Please see pages 89-92 for more details about the qualities of an effective narrative essay.

Choose one of the following topics:

  • What personal goal or achievement are you most proud of?  Share the story of the moment you reached that goal.
  • What one event brought you closer to your family?  Describe that day.
  • Was there an event in your life where you made a mistake or misjudged a situation?  Describe how the event occurred and what you learned from it.


  • 600 word narrative essay
  • Microsoft Word document formatted in APA (see below)
  • Submit to Submission Area

Paragraph or Essay Structure:

  • Appropriate title indicates the essays topic.
  • Paper addresses all the requirements. (see rubrics)
  • Paper is logically organized and flows well
  • Introduction includes relevant background information and a clear thesis statement.
  • Body paragraphs discuss main purpose and move the story forward
  • Each paragraph has a clear topic sentence and moves the essay forward
  • Effective conclusion does more than simply repeat the introduction

Sentence Structure:

  • Review sentence variety and construction as well as word choice and conciseness.
  • Correct all comma splices, run-ons, and fragments.
  • All sentences include complete thoughts, containing a subject and a verb.
  • Sentences have variety.
  • Vary lengths and structure using different beginnings, such as prepositional phrases, transition words, or dependent clauses.
  • Transition words (therefore, however, in addition, etc.) ensure writing flows smoothly, connecting related thoughts or signaling shifts in ideas?
  • Sentences are concise
  • Avoid being wordy.

Language and Tone:

  • Language is appropriate for audience (formal writing)
  • Point of view is consistent (first person/narrative essay; third person/persuasive essay)
  • No announcing what essay will do. Do not refer to the essay itself.
  • Essay does not talk down to reader, or make assumptions (avoid expressions like: Obviously, as you know, it is clear)

Grammar & Mechanics:

  • Sentences correctly punctuated.
  • Words are properly capitalized (including  I)
  • No words inadvertently omitted.
  • Subject and verb of each sentence agree.
  • Verbs are consistent in tense (past, present, future)
  • Pronouns properly refer to their antecedents.
  • Spelling errors corrected including words spell check does not catch (their/there/theyre; its/its)


  • Paper is properly formatted in APA.


Please review attached document for the proper format for your papers.Please note the following:

  • All papers must be Microsoft Word documents.
  • The paper is double-spaced in Times New Roman, size 12, and has no extra spaces between the paragraphs.
  • The paper uses one-inch margins and half-inch indentions for the beginning of paragraphs. You can set this up in Microsoft Word to automatically default to these settings for your paper.
  • NO RESEARCH IS TO BE CONDUCTED FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, so you will not need to provide a references page.