Overview: With the time-sensitive world we live in, it is important to have a document that articulates a point in an abbreviated form. These documents are critical in boardrooms when management asks for a quick report on a lengthy project. Think of it as somewhat of an elevator pitch about the project.
For this milestone, you will capture your final research project in a one-page paper to summarize your findings, providing a shortened version of your longer final presentation.
Prompt: Specifically, be sure to include the following in your one-page summary report:
Briefly summarize the topic
Explain its importance in the workplace
Identify an example of it being used in the business world
Share your personal perspective on it (passion for the topic)
Guidelines for Submission: Your milestone submission should be no more than one page in length, double-spaced, in a 12-point font, with sections clearly labeled to reflect the above criteria. References should be cited in APA format