Negative Effects of Social Media

hi there!!! Ive in a college production of Pippin and even though Ive been in great communication with my teachers about my schedule and what may / may or not get done, my english professor has still scheduled a rough draft to be due tomorrow morning.

My essay is proving how social media and smartphones have negatively changed the wha people interact with each other. My sources HAVE to be from James S. Millers Acting Out Culture. Here are the sources we can pull from:
The Comfort of a Digital Confidante by Navneet Alang starting on page 413
Cant Quit the Clicks: The Rise of Social Media Rehab by Mae Wiskin page 417
the Public Square by Sherry Turkle page 440
and Wont You Be My Neighbor? by Peter Lovenheim page 478 🙂

this is strictly a ROUGH draft- does not need to be perfect! I just need assistance getting the body paragraph ideas together, I can easily do the rest when fine tuning it for the actual final draft.