Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

Read the Midwestern: Contemporary Art case study.  Prepare an analysis of the case study that addresses the following objectives:
1.    Part A:
a.    Evaluate the type of conflict illustrated in this section of the case.
b.    Assess alternatives and recommend a structural solution that the organization might implement that will reduce the conflict from role ambiguity.
2.    Part B:  Assess alternatives and recommend solution(s) that Peggy Fischer might implement or recommend to the board using the case discussion questions as a guide.

Conclusions must be well reasoned and supported with at least 5 citations from the course readings.  The analysis should be a minimum of 750 words in APA format, excluding the title page and references.  Be sure to follow the guidelines outlined in the grading rubric below.
    Prepare a quality, substantive paper that addresses the objectives of the assignment and the expectations set forth in the grading rubric.
    A minimum of750 words.
    Use APA format Refer to APA Style and the Online Writing Center resources in Academic Resources for guidance on paper and citation formatting.
o    Conclusions must be well reasoned and supported with at least 5 citations from the course readings
o    All external cited sources must have been published within the 5 years.