
You are representing the side Hope County School Board. After you have had the opportunity to review Lectures 1 through 5, the Public Health Case problem, and review your sides specific Confidential Factual Information, please prepare a Pre-Mediation/Negotiation Discussion Board Posting. It must contain the following:
1.    Questions you would ask your client to obtain their long and short term goals.
2.    Your strengths, values, skills, and assets in the mediation/negotiation.
3.    Your interests in the mediation/negotiation and a ranking of those interests.
4.    Identify your BATNA, reservation point, aspiration point, and opening position.
5.    Assess your opponent’s BATNA, reservation point, aspiration point, and opening position.
6.    Prepare a mediation/negotiation plan: negotiation style, questions to ask your opponent, BATNA, and your walk away point.