Neonatal Information Paper


Conduct research about the three treatment modalities listed below using the Internet, Concorde Library, and any other appropriate sources. Review a variety of sources including professional journals, reputable websites, research papers, and books. 

Treatment Modalities

  1. High Frequency Ventilation
  2. Nitric Oxide Therapies
  3. ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation)

Write a 4-page APA formatted paper in which you address the following:

  • Explain the How, What, Why, and manipulation of each treatment modality.
  • Explain each in a reader friendly manner for an audience of non-medical professionals. 

Support your paper with a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed and/or scholarly resources, excluding the course textbooks.

Summarize your major findings in an organized, 1-page outline.

Include a cover page with the title of your report, your first and last name, and the date it is submitted. 

List all references on a separate APA formatted reference page. References must include title, author, and page numbers. The cover page and reference page are not counted as part of the 2-page requirement.

Compile all of your materials onto a single document for submission through Canvas.

Writing Guidelines

  • Canvas will only accept the following file types: doc, docx, pdf.
  • Use Times New Roman or Arial font, size 12
  • Double-spaced lines
  • Standard 1-inch margins