You have to run the application to answer these questions

Run NetLogo application. In File menu, use the Models Libraryoption to find IABM Textbook -> chapter 3 -> SegregationExtensions. There is a simulation called SegregationSimple. Double click on this model to run it.

2. In the Segregation Simple model, use the Info tab tounderstand what this model is and how to use it. For this model,answer the following questions and save your answer in a Wordfile:

  • What happens when you run the model with the default settings?Run it a few times. What do you notice? (2 points)
  • Keep the population number the same, but change the%-similar-wanted value to run the model at various conditions. Atwhat % -similar-wanted does the model not converge any more? Inother words, the model vacillates, and does not stop (or takes avery long time to stop). (1 point)
  • Now that you find the %-similar-wanted at which the model doesnot converge, does it make a difference if you keep the%similar-wanted but change the population number? do thevacillating patterns persist? (2 points)

3. In the NetLogo -> File menu -> Models Library ->IABM Textbook -> chapter 3 -> Segregation Extensions, thereare three Segregation Simple Extensions. ForExtension 1 and Extension 2, use the Info tab tounderstand what this model is and how to use it. Then answer thefollowing questions for each extension using the following formatand save your answer in the same Word file used in Step 2above:

  • Segregation Simple Extension #
  • What happens when you run the model with the default settings?Run it a few times. What do you notice? (2 points)
  • Keep the population number the same, but change the%-similar-wanted value to run the model at various conditions. Atwhat % -similar-wanted does the model not converge any more? Inother words, the model vacillates, and does not stop (or takes avery long time to stop). (1 point)
  • Now that you find the %-similar-wanted at which the model doesnot converge, does it make a difference if you keep the%similar-wanted but change the population number? do thevacillating patterns persist? (2 points)

At the end of step 3, explain how the individual preference for%-similar-wanted in Extension 2 affects the system’s ability toreach convergence. (5 points) hint: study the code in the Code tab,understand how individual turtle’s threshold of %-similar-wanted iscalculated based on the general %-similar-wanted and how it affectsthe happiness of individual turtle.

4. In the NetLogo -> File menu -> Models Library ->IABM Textbook -> chapter 3 -> Segregation Extensions, thereare three Segregation Simple Extensions. ForExtension 3, use the Info tab to understand whatthis model is and how to use it. Then answer the followingquestions for each extension using the following format and saveyour answer in the same Word file used in Step 3 above:

  • Segregation Simple Extension #
  • What happens when you run the model with the default settings?Run it a few times. What do you notice? (2 points)
  • Keep the population number and the %-different-wanted the same,but change the %-similar-wanted value to run the model at variousconditions. At what % -similar-wanted does the model not convergeany more? In other words, the model vacillates, and does not stop(or takes a very long time to stop). (1 point)
  • Now that you find the %-similar-wanted at which the model doesnot converge, can you change the %-different-wanted to make thesystem converge again? If yes, what’s the %-different-wanted touse? (2 points)

At the end of step 4, explain how the two factors%-similar-wanted and %-different-wanted in Extension 3 affects thesystem’s ability to reach convergence. (5 points)

5. Build a NetLogo simulation as described in the MysteryPattern (Links to an external site.) tutorial.

  • Complete Tasks 1-4 (15 points). Save the model asFL_Pattern.nlogo where FL are your first and last nameinitials.
  • Complete Task 5, question 1 (5 points), question 2 (5 points)by modifying the model your created in Tasks 1-4.
  • Write your answer to Task 5 question 3 in the same Word fileused the above Step 4. List at least two other interestingcombinations of values for n and r and explainwhy the patterns are interesting to you (5 points).