Network Infrastructure Week 1

Write up your notes and thoughts in an APA formatted Word document about the simulations you completed by answering the questions below.

  1. What were the top three items you learned from these labs and why each of them are important to you and your future IT career?  
  2. For each item you identified previously, search for an associated article in an IT journal or professional publication. List the article title, author(s), and publication information along with a brief summary of the article (4-8 sentences about each article). 
    • You may want to search the ACM, IEEE, and other IT databases in the Library to help with this. 

Below are the topics covered in this lab. I need two 2 3 pages. 

describe various network types and terminology;

describe network protocols;

discuss types of network topologies;

discuss OSI and TCP/IP models;

describe different numbering systems.