Network technologies

The other project is required  to design a local network directory for a college (in terms of equipment, software and procedures) consisting of two floors, 20 offices and 40 employees.

1- A summary page about the project and the topics it contains 

2 – An introduction to the field of the project 

3 – The objectives that the project will achieve for those who see it

 4- The category of beneficiaries of the project for those who see it. 

 Chapter One: Information about the field or specialization of the project 

5 Chapter Two: A Brief History of the Project or something similar to a topic. 

6- Chapter Three: Presenting the project and the sub-chapters that it will contain in the form of related headings Example:

 Chapter 1-2: One of the project topics Chapter 2-3: One of the project topics. Chapter 

2-3: One of the project topics Chapter

 3-4: One of the project topics . And so on

 7- Chapter Four: The Future Development Outlook of the Project

 8. Chapter Five: Conclusion (Summary of what was proposed in the project)

 9 References