NETWORKING case study

Your instructor will assign you to a group. Within your group you can set up a group WebEx, chat, skype, or other communication tool to determine how best to complete this case study. Each person will contribute to the collaboration portion to complete this case study. Include the Names of each member on your team and a brief description as to how they participated.

Active participation is expected, but the quality, not the quantity, is the key to creating a successful collaborative learning environment for everyone. Instructional approaches for this course are highly interactive and experiential.


Your boss has just heard about some nefarious computer activities called ping sweeps and port scans. He wants to know more about them and what their impact might be on the company. Write a description of what they are, and include your assessment of whether the activities are something to worry about or not.

You will submit your answers as a single paper from the team. Include the Names of each member on your team and a brief description as to how they participated.