
Choose one of the topics below for your research and then go to the Purdue Global Library and find another article that discusses your selected topic. 

  • Be sure to select a peer-reviewed article so that you know your research studies are primary academic sources. 
  • Be selective in choosing an article that will extend insights beyond common knowledge regarding the brain and human behavior.
  • Use your article to point to new directions and information in the field regarding your topic.

Create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint presentation which incorporates speaker notes throughout (not including title and reference slides). Address the following in your presentation:

  • Introduction (let the audience know the purpose of the presentation and rationale for why you selected the topic). [1 slide]
  • Describe the highlights of the research studies. [2-3 slides]
  • Explain the affected brain areas including specific information about how it affects behavior. [2-3 slides]
  • Discuss how this research relates to your career and other professionals in the field [2 slides]
  • Describe how you would use these skills in practice and how your presentation can be used to develop your career and in mentoring peers on current research [1-2 slides]
  • Conclusion [1 slide]

Topic 1: The role of Mirror neurons in social referencing and understanding empathy in autism

  • University of California, San Diego. (2005, April 18). Autism linked to mirror neuron dysfunction.

Topic 2: The role of heavy and persistent cannabis use in triggering schizophrenia

  • (2020, April 6). Is there a link between marijuana use and psychiatric disorders? Retrieved from

Topic 3: The impact of drinking or drug use before the age of 21 on the developing brain.

  • Early Drinking Linked to Higher Lifetime Alcoholism Risk. (2011, December 8). National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).