new media technology’s sensory and emotional effects

You will produce a 2000 word (maximum) research paper about a subject related to the theme of the class: new media technology’s sensory and emotional effects, from history to the present (with a particular focus on the haunting, uncanny, and thrilling). This paper will be based on a minimum of five journalistic, scholarly, or primary sources. The sources can include class readings but do not need to be based on them. Depending on the subject, it will be written in a classic essay style (argument/thesis, evidence, etc), or a journalistic piece that explains your subject and proves something about it for us, your readers.

These topics are meant to inspire you and help you think of further ideas — I encourage you to find one of your own that’s appropriately scoped and specific.

Virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, etc.

Digital urban legends and lore (Momo Challenge, ghost accounts, Slenderman, Blue Whale etc)

Screenshotting vs ephemeral media

Drones and drone vision



NFT frenzy

Low-light and nightvision aesthetics / technologies

Numbness, anhedonia, disengagement

Anon culture, chan culture (and QAnon and related movements in general)

Uncanny valley

Media habits


Online grief, trauma, and mourning

Teletherapy and mediated intimacy

Chatbots and social media bot activity


Adoption of “obsolete” media technologies: typewriters, cassette tapes, Polaroid film, etc

Digital moral panics


Ghost finding equipment and ghost hunter media

Dead media technologies / platforms: Smell-o-Vision, Pixelvision cameras, holograms, etc
