New Works 08/03

Work #1: (Subject: Digital Forensics)

Gather all final project material:

  • final paper (A 500-700 word (2-3 pages), double spaced paper, written in APA format, showing sources and a bibliography)
  • PowerPoint
  • other
  • Create a single archive (zip not RAR) – attach here and submit

Note: Please find the final project topic and abstract attachments

Work #2: (Marketing Strategies)


APA formatting is required along with a cover page and a resource page which is not included in the final page count.

  • The final paper should be approximately 10-12 pages.
  • It should consist of the information from your milestone papers along with information from our discussion board postings.
  • Feedback from the Milestone papers must be incorporated
  • All key components of a marketing plan must be represented.
  • Cover Page
  • Table of Contents
  • Company Overview/Executive Summary
  • New Product or Redefined Product Summary (why is this important to introduce now?  How does it support the mission, vision, and core values?
  • Competitor Analysis and Identifiable Gaps
  • Target Market Determination
  • The use of e-commerce and social media
  • The marketing mix
  • The promotional mix
  • Consumer buying behavior
  • The impact of the pandemic on the companys approach to sales and marketing
  • Product Lifecycle including the graph
  • Measurements of success, metrics
  • Summary
  • Resource Page

Note: Final Paper approved company is “LG Company” and product line is “Home Appliances”. Also, find the three milestone papers attachments previously prepared for this.



  • No more than 5 slides.
  • Think about how you would present the idea of your new or redefined product to your CEO.  You have a limited amount of time and must hit on the high points.