
According to the reading, non-profits can serve as privately supported supplementary service providers of public goods or as complimentary partners with governmental entities in public service provisions.

Using the various strands of theory discussed in the readings analyze the non-profits involved in the Houston Homeless initiative using the material posted in the module. You may also use other sources in fact, I encourage you to do so. For example, if you would prefer to look at the use of non-profits to provide assistance during the current economic downturn, Covid-19 response, or the response to the recent power and water outages, I encourage you to do so.  If you choose to discuss a non profit such as the Houston food bank, you will still need to address all the questions.

Write a 3-5 page paper addressing the following questions:
1. Are these government non- profit relationships supplementary or complimentary? 
2. In each case did government choose to contract out with non-profits or did non-profits fill a gap of services government could not or would not provide or both?
3. If the government chose to contract out with non-profits explain how transaction cost theory as discussed in the readings explains the choice of government?

*Please use the attachments as resources* — the readings (POLS 1, POLS 2, & POLS 3)