Non verbal communication

Watch Amy Cuddy’s (2012) video on nonverbal communication, and then tell what you think are the most important lessons about nonverbal communication from Amy’s video and the Wood (2020) textbook. How will you apply them to your own life?

*Write a short paper, with the following elements:
1. A clear introduction paragraph that grabs the readers attention, states your thesis statement (main idea), and previews the points you will use to support your thesis.
2. Body paragraph(s). Write one paragraph for each supporting point, or one single paragraph that addresses each of the supporting points.
3. A conclusion paragraph that re-addresses your thesis, summarizes your supporting points, and ties it all together with a final thought.
Format your essay with the following requirements:
– This writing assignment should use 300 350 words. 
– Put your name, course and section number, and assignment title on the cover page.
– Use one-inch margins.
– Use a 12-point Times New Roman font.
– Use double line spacing in the document.
– Use at least five (5) terms or concepts from the Wood (2020) text and make them bold
(*You must use these terms in a way that clearly indicates that you know what they mean. You should not list terms. You should use them in context and define them in your own words)
– Cite the sources that you use to back-up the thesis of your paper using APA citation style. For guidance, check out:  APA Citation Style (opens in a new window) or see the “How This Course Works” tab to your left.