NorthFace Case Study

 The case is Attached below

2-page write-up

Each student will write a 2-page report on their recommendations and rationale. The analysis should discuss a global business challenge or opportunity explained in the mini-case study, address the critical issue(s) at hand, and recommend a course of action. Mini cases will describe briefly a situation facing company leadership on a wide variety of topics, relative to developing a new global product and a variety of challenges along its life cycle. Examples include, but not limited to global regulations, global new product launches, introduction/adoption issues, geographic expansions, product liability, technology licensing, etc. Grading Criteria (What constitutes a good assignment?): 

The 2-page report 2-page reports (Calibri 11-point font, single space, and 1 borders on an 8.5×11 paper). This report will be graded individually based on the students ability to identify key issues and opportunities, make sound recommendations and corresponding explanations backed up with data, and tie the mini case to class themes in a clear and succinct fashion. 


Template for 2-page mini case studies reports. 

This is just a suggestion, but each student may selectively apply these items as appropriate:

a.Problem: Define the innovation or strategy problem facing the team, 

b.Recommendation: Of the options that exist, what would you recommend the team do (feel free to suggest an alternative strategy than the one chosen by the company)? 

c.Analysis: This is the heart of the report. Support your recommendation with compelling data or arguments. Connect the case to the classs higher-order themes, Leadership, Design Thinking, Agility, Business Model Innovation, etc.