
Review the case study analysis topic below. Then, using the Case Study Analysis Assignment Outline, write a 6-8-page paper (including title and reference page).

You are caring for a 58-year-old electrician admitted to your emergency room for purulent drainage from his incision site. He is one-week post-CABG. His cardiologist reports positive blood cultures. Hospital admission reports no health insurance, and the patient shares he has being having difficulties paying for his medications. His wife is at the bedside.

Case Study Analysis Assignment Outline:

Brief overview of the pathophysiology of the disease. Include:
What lab abnormalities would you look for?
What diagnostics would you expect to see?
Give rationale.
Implications for Self-Care
How does this disease process impact the patients and/or their care providers ability to care for themselves?
Consider Maslows hierarchy of needs
Application of Orems Theory of Self-Care.
Patient Education Strategy
Consider educational strategies and a plan of care for your patient based on the implications for self-care section. Support with rationale.
Interdisciplinary Collaboration
What interdisciplinary team members need to be included. Include rationale.
Consider nutrition, discharge, transition, and financial implications

A minimum of three references should be used in this paper. References should be no more than five years old. Exceptions include seminal works, such as original publications by nurse theorists. Use only scholarly references (peer reviewed) or authoritative resources, such as the Institute of Medicine, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or Healthy People 2020 websites.