
  • Find research articles in a peer-reviewed source about a successful functional therapy. 
  • Summarize the article by answering the following question: 
  1. What is the therapy?
  2. How is the therapy used for illness prevention, health promotion, and heath restoration?
  3. Give an example of how this therapy can empower patients?
  4. Identify  the actions you can take to work with patients who use functional  medicine and safeguard a patient’s rights that choose to use this  therapy.
  5. What are some of the limitations of this therapy?
  6. Include any other pertinent information.
  • Below  are some guidelines on summarizing research articles. You may want to  review one or more of these before beginning this assignment: 
  • Your paper should be 3-4 pages, including: 
  • title page
  • reference page according to
  • spacing and margin settings (APA Style) 
  • Type your paper in a WORD Document and save file.