5 DQ 2

Every nurse is a leader in their own right. Our impact on the patient’s result is unquestionable. Together with the actual result of the patient, we are also responsible for promoting our profession and makes it a better workforce. Medical care is reform and nurses will benefit in the future, but nurses are currently those dealing with work stress. Therefore, to see any progress in reforms, we must defend our profession (Tomajn, 2012). I can be an active player to solve problems by listening to the concerns of team members and suggest solutions that are acceptable and advantageous for everyone. Working towards implementing these changes is also a way to return to the profession and improve the work environment. By participating in shared governance, it is another way I can claim to create a positive change in my workplace.

Being a proactive nurse in itself must be a leader who is willing to reach positive changes in the system and in his people (Whitney, 2018). This would mean examining the problem from different angles, collecting the data to support it, using the most recent technology to maximize resources, consider all opinions and work for an acceptable solution and aim to achieve a common goal. Enhanced members of my team and my collaborators are another way to improve the dynamics of the workplace. This will give you a sense of power and confidence to each member and touch the talent and innovation found in each of us. I would also have promoted the sense of responsibility and responsibility in each member. The Dynamics team will show a positive change with this and would involve better care and a better work environment.

   The influence of leadership can be far-reaching in practice and improving patient outcomes even when not in a formal role. Describe advocacy strategies that you can use as a leader to create positive change in your current workplace. In response to peers, describe a time when you provided leadership and the outcome. Was there anything that you would do differently? 

Using 200-300 words APA format with at least two references. Sources must be published within the last 5 years.