Nursing, Self-Management


  • In this assignment, you will present a culturally sensitive self-management plan for a patient with a chronic disease.

Step 1 Choose a chronic disease that you frequently encounter in your nursing practice. Alternatively, pick a chronic disease that you would like to explore further.

Step 2 Select a culture that you often encounter in your practice or one that you would like to learn more about. For the purposes of this presentation, you may choose a culture based on religion; racial or ethnic group; cognitive, sensory, or physical disability; or sexual orientation or gender identity. Create a (minimum) 6 slide power-point presentation (PPP), not including the title page or reference page.

Imagine you were chosen to present this information in a seminar of your peers. You will present current, evidence-based research to your audience! Get their attention with color and pictures. Each slide must follow the 7×7 rule. No more than 7 lines and 7 words per line. You will lose your audience if you just throw up a white slide with lengthy paragraphs. Have fun with this project!

Under the PPP slide, if you pull it up, you will see a text box. Here is where you write “speaker notes” to yourself and to your instructor so I know what you will say to your audience. Type it as you would imagine saying it to your audience. “Hi, my name is XXX and I am so glad you all joined me today for this seminar!” Your speaker notes should be in paragraph format, not your slide. The audience should not do more reading than you do talking so keep that in mind. If they are still reading and you are done talking, you will need more in the speaker notes to keep from uncomfortable silence.

Step 3  Format is a large chunk of this assignment. You will need to closely follow the PPP template in 7th. edition APA for formatting provided below. You will have a title slide, an intro slide, a body of slides, a conclusion slide and a reference slide. Altogether you should have a minimum of 6 slides not counting the title or ref. slide. Your slides should have in-text citations as shown in the template as well as research scattered in your speaker notes. This is not professional opinion, but rather an evidence-based self-management plan you have developed to improve the quality of care or outcomes of your chronic patient.

Address the following topics in your slides:

  • Intro slide: Introduce your topic and your culture and greet your audience. This slide should make a strong first impression. It may be in paragraph form and does not need to follow the 7×7 rule.
  • Body slide: Use research to describe the chronic condition
  • Body slide: Describe the culture associated with the chronic condition and how they are connected.
  • Body slides: Identify 3-4 self-care needs for the patient with the chronic illness you chose. For example:
    • An Hispanic patient with diabetes will need to monitor blood glucose levels daily.
  • Body slides: Identify at least one measurable, patient-centered goal for each self-care need. For example:
    • The patient will record blood sugar every day for 10 days.
  • Body slides: Present possible culturally barriers the healthcare professional should anticipate. For example:
    • The Hispanic patient does not speak or write English and does not have anyone in the home who does.
  • Body slides: Describe how you will evaluate whether the goals are in progress or were met.
    • Return demonstration for obtaining a capillary blood glucose level and recording number on worksheet.
  • Conclusion slide: Provide a summary of your presentation without introducing any more research and leave your audience in awe of your awesomeness and professionalism. Thank them for coming to your seminar! This slide may be in paragraph form and does not need to follow the 7×7 rule.
  • Provide a reference slide citing any sources used in the presentation in the format requested by your instructor. All slides with research must use in-text citations and also needs citations scattered in the speaker notes below the slide. References and in-text citations must follow the 7th edition APA format as shown in the sample PPP and in the APA book required for this course.