Nursing Theory

 Practice Question:




Article Number



Author and Date



Evidence Type


Sample, Sample Size, Setting

Findings That Help Answer the EBP Question  

Observable Measures





Evidence Level, Quality

Article ID 3634548 Wenjie X, Hui Hu, Yanjun Mao


randomized controlled trial


78 Patients, the patients were divided into two groups, the intervention group and the control group.


In the intervention group the primary nurse was in charge of the patient evaluation to follow up and took on the one on one education top help in the self-healthcare management of the patients. In the control group the patients only received routine care.

Hospital Settings


❑ N/A

Patient’s sleep quality, survival quality, mobility, and life quality in two groups were significantly improved. The study aims at determining the impact of transitional care to the quality of life of the patients with COPD. The patients in the study were divided into two groups: intervention and control (39 cases each). The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Quality of Life Scale Abbreviated Version (QOL-BREF), Activity of Daily Life Scale (Barthel index), St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ), and COPD Assessment Test were used to assess patient anxiety and depression symptoms, sleep quality, survival quality, mobility, and life quality at admission and three months after discharge (CAT). First and foremost, based on a questionnaire survey, this study only looked at 3-month TC results. As a result, the long-term impact, such as readmission rate, could not be reliably determined Level I, Good Quality:  Reasonably consistent results; sufficient sample size for the study

design; some control, fairly definitive conclusions; reasonably consistent

recommendations based on fairly comprehensive literature review that includes

some reference to scientific evidence




❑ N/A

Improvement of survival quality of patients in the intervention group was markedly greater than that in the control group   It’s also important to evaluate the patient’s drug compliance.  



❑ N/A

    The study only took samples from a hospital, which aren’t always representative of patient conditions in other areas.  



❑ N/A

    The morbidity of COPD varies depending on the location  



❑ N/A

    Sample size in this study is small, the patient’s characteristics may have an impact on the findings.  



❑ N/A




❑ N/A


Attach a reference list with full citations of articles reviewed for this Practice question.


Directions for Use of the Individual Evidence Summary Tool


This form is used to document the results of evidence appraisal in preparation for evidence synthesis. The form provides the EBP team with documentation of the sources of evidence used, the year the evidence was published or otherwise communicated, the information gathered from each evidence source that helps the team answer the EBP question, and the level and quality of each source of evidence.


Article Number

Assign a number to each reviewed source of evidence. This organizes the individual evidence summary and provides an easy way to reference articles.


Author and Date

Indicate the last name of the first author or the evidence source and the publication/communication date. List both author/evidence source and date.


Evidence Type

Indicate the type of evidence reviewed (for example: RCT, meta-analysis, mixed methods, quaLitative, systematic review, case study, narrative literature review).


Sample, Sample Size, and Setting

Provide a quick view of the population, number of participants, and study location.


Findings That Help Answer the EBP Question

Although the reviewer may find many points of interest, list only findings that directly apply to the EBP question.


Observable Measures

QuaNtitative measures or variables are used to answer a research question, test a hypothesis, describe characteristics, or determine the effect, impact, or influence. QuaLitative evidence uses cases, context, opinions, experiences, and thoughts to represent the phenomenon of study.



Include information that may or may not be within the text of the article regarding drawbacks of the piece of evidence. The evidence may list limitations, or it may be evident to you, as you review the evidence, that an important point is missed or the sample does not apply to the population of interest.


Evidence Level and Quality

Using information from the individual appraisal tools, transfer the evidence level and quality rating into this column.