Nutrition and Relationship to Cardiovascular Disease

Must be typed, 12 font, double spaced, and a title page is required.
Must be turned in thru canvas, use a WORD or PDF document only! (Turnitin will be used), DO NOT EMAIL PAPERS TO INSTRUCTOR.
3 pages (double spaced), (if less than 3-pages points will be deducted)
Must use 2 references. Please use APA (American Psychological Association) format for your in-text citations and for citing your reference/ sources (you do not need to create an abstract for this assignment)
Must use reputable references, this is a “research” paper you need to use sources that provide actual research data and correct facts and information (list of reputable sources below) (healthline, men’s health, women’s health are not reputable sources/references).
Grading Scheme: 100 points

1). Content: 60 points

Introduction of topic
Full explanation of topic (why important, why it interests you)
appropriate length of paper & appropriate information (scientific research and reputable sources)
Shows clear understanding of topic
2). Organization of paper: 20 points

Clear and appropriate organization, with effective transitions, introduction, body and conclusion.
Shows cohesiveness
Title page (10 points)
3).  Citations and References: 10 points

List all references in APA format (example shown)
Citations properly marked and used correctly