NUTRITION -Nutritional Sciences 1340: Introduction to Exercise and Fitness Lesson 2 Assignment

Nutritional Sciences 1340: Introduction to Exercise and Fitness Lesson 2 Assignment 37 Questions 35 Points Total Name: Mizzou Online ID: E-Mail: True/False ?5 questions 1 point each 5 points total Directions:Questions 1-5 are True/False. For these questions highlight the correctanswer. 1. The principle of individuality postulates that as you become more and more fit you do not get as big a benefit (bang for the buck) for each additional amount of activity. A. True B. False 2. Someone who accumulates 4 500 pedometer steps per day would be classified as low active. A. True B. False 3. The base of the Activity Pyramid focuses on physical activity you do as a part of everyday life. A. True B. False 4. Ligaments connect bones to bones. A. True B. False 5. As the scientific evidence continues to mount each day most people are adhering to a healthy lifestyle program. A. True? B. False Fill-in-the-Blank ?7 questions 1 point each 7 points total Directions:Questions 6-12 are fill-in-the-blank. For these questions type the best answer in the space provided. 6. The _______________model of change illustrates change as a gradual process that involves several stages. 7. The _______________stage requires the greatest commitment of time and energy on the part of the individual. 8. Falsely concluding that their lifestyle is healthy people employ the_______________barrier to change. ? 9. People who believe they have control over events are said to have a(n) _______________locus of control. 10. The statement “Some individuals don’t respond to exercise as well as others” is best described by the Principle of _______________. 11. Saying “I’ll deal with the consequences of not exercising later” demonstrates the _______________barrier to change. 12. Reduction in blood pooling removing metabolic waste products like lactic acid and possibly minimizing muscle soreness by relaxing and stretching tired muscles are benefits of the _______________. Multiple-Choice ?23 questions 1 point each 23 points total Directions:Questions 13-35 are multiple-choice. For these questions highlight the correctanswer. 13. Which of the following elements of modern-day architecture reinforce healthy behaviors? A. automaticdoors? B. accessibleelevators C. elegantescalators? D. accessiblestairways 14. Which of the following is NOT an example of a toxic environment of wellness? A. remotecontrols and cellular phones B. super-sized fries and hamburgers? C. television and the Internet D. bicycle lanes and jogging trails 15. Which of the following encourages walking and cycling? A. straight and wide street B. using rougher pavement (cobblestone) C. sufficient parking space D. smooth and wide street 16. Completing which of the following activities can decrease the average person’s energy expenditure by 200 calories per day? A. watching TV for more than 5 hours in one day B. playing computer games for 1 hour a day C. sleeping for more than 6 hours a day D. sitting while working for 8 hours a day 17. Which of the following is critical for the individual to move from the precontemplation stage to the contemplation stage of the transtheoretical model? A. begin an exercise program B. control the environment C. get educated about the problem D. set SMART goals to change behavior 18. What is the stage of change in the transtheoretical model in which the individual is getting ready to make a change within the next month? A. precontemplation B. contemplation C. preparation D. action 19. When might relapse in the transtheoretical model occur for an individual? A. happens at the action stage only B. happens at the preparation stage only C. happens at the precontemplation stage only D. may occur at any level of the model 20. When people recognize the benefits of a healthy lifestyle but are unwilling or unable to trade convenience for health or other benefits they: A. have an illusion of invincibility.? B. exhibit a lack of core values.? C. have instant gratification.? D. practice procrastination. 21. Being overwhelmed by all the changes needed for a healthy lifestyle is which barrier to change? A. gratification B. rationalization? C. complexity D. procrastination 22. The belief that our destiny is in our genes is which barrier to change? A. rationalization B. indifference and helplessness? C. preconditioned cultural beliefs? D. illusions of invincibility 23. People with an internal locus of control exhibit which of the following characteristics? A. lower risk for illness B. belief that they control others C. better adherence to exercise D. say things happen by chance 24. What is the commonly used minimal standard for entry into an exercise program? A. ACSM? B. Exercise Stress Test? C. BMI? D. PAR-Q 25. According to the new 2008 physical activity guidelines for Americans adults need to perform ____minutes of moderate intensity activity 5 days/week. A. 15 ? B. 20? C. 25? D. 30 26. According to the new 2008 physical activity guidelines for Americans adults need to accumulate ____ minutes of vigorous intensity each week. A. 30? B. 45 C. 60 D. 75 27. Sally likes to walk with a group of friends on a regular basis. They tend to walk 30 minutes a day three days a week. She also partakes in Jazzercise for an hour every Saturday. Is Sally meeting the ACSM and AHA’s minimum recommendations for physical activity? A. Yes B. No 28. Which principle is described as doing “more than normal” and is usually necessary to achieve benefits? A. Principle of Specificity B. Overload Principle C. Principle of Progression? D. The Ball Protocol 29. Most experts recommend which of the following prior to the main exercise bout? A. stretching before performing light aerobic activity B. performing light aerobic activity (walking or jogging for example) before stretching C. drinking a protein shake that costs at least 4 dollars D. taking drugs and then beating your chest 30. What are the components of a warm-up? A. cardiovascular and flexibility B. cardiovascular and strength C. flexibility and strength D. cardiovascular flexibility and strength 31. What is the most advanced stage of heat illness? A. heat stroke B. heat cramps C. heat fatigue D. heat exhaustion 32. In order to treat a minor strain or sprain which treatment plan known should you follow? A. Airway Breathing Circulation (ABC) B. Talk Observe Touch Active movement Passive movement Skills test (T.O.T.A.P.S.) C. Danger Response (DR.) D. Rest Ice Compression and Elevation (R.I.C.E.) 33. A sprain is an injury to which of the following? A. muscle B. tendon C. ligament D. A and B 34. Which of the following is descriptive of SMART goals? A. written based on a thorough analysis of problem behaviors B. written for anyone who wishes to change a problem behavior C. specific measurable acceptable realistic and time specific D. special meaningful accountable reasonable and treatable 35. Which statement is an example of a measurable objective? A. “I will eat healthier starting tomorrow.” B. “I will lose weight in five months.” C. “I will go to bed earlier every day.” D. “I will go to bed at 10 p.m. every day.” PAR-Q and Health History Questionnaire Confirmation ? 2 questions No points are awarded for this section but it is required in order to begin the Exercise Log assignment. Directions:After completing the PAR-Q and Health History Questionnaire (Lab 1C) highlight Yes or No as your response to the following statements. 36. I have read understood and completed the PAR-Q and Health History Questionnaires. Any questions I had were answered to my full satisfaction. A. Yes B. No 37. Based on my responses to the PAR-Q and Health History Questionnaires I can safely begin an exercise program. A. Yes B. No THIS IS THE END OF THE LESSON ASSIGNMENT.