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Peer 1-LV

Hello Everyone

    Evaluating both the pros and the cons of a 360 degree appraisal I wouldn’t use this method when it come to a very large call center because taking a look into the advantages of even considering to use this method to me would be minimal for a individual in this case. In my opinion a large call center with representatives would have just about the same or similar job functions, and are all reading from a script or a computer. Using the 360 degree appraisal would cause an employee to feel intimidated by his/ her peers which in some case could cause resentment or even further issues amongst the employees.  When using the 360 degree appraisal it requires you to give  feedback from multiple sources  which tends to be a little more costly and complex. The best way to conduct  successful evaluation for a call center would be having the customers to take a survey, supervisor evaluations, overall team evaluations in order for an employee to be evaluate the supervisor would have to sit in and listen to how well the employee handle incoming calls.


Snell S.A, Morris, S.S, & Bohlander, GM(2016)Managing Human Resources(17th)Boston, MA: Cengage Learning 

Stephenson, R.N(2013, May 3) 360 Degree Feedback Pros and Cons You Need to Consider, Retrieved September 14,2016 from  

Peer 2-SN

A 360-degree appraisal is an employee performance review that involves all of the employees involved. The review is conducted anonymously and involves; feedback from all of them. The 360-degree process is different from the traditional supervisor feedback method. Instead, it asks team members and subordinates to rate an employee’s performance. The goal of the process is to get feedback on how the employee is working with the team. According to Atkins, P., & Wood, R. 360-degree feedback is a tool that can help improve employee performance by allowing the evaluation of different perspectives. When done properly 360 is highly effective as a development tool. The feedback process gives people an opportunity; to provide anonymous feedback to a coworker that they might otherwise be uncomfortable giving. Feedback recipients gain insight into how others perceive them and have an opportunity to adjust behaviors and develop skills that will enable them to excel at their jobs. Performance Appraisal using a 360-degree feedback system is often not a good idea. Many factors go into making this process work seamlessly. 360 feedback focuses on the behaviors and competencies of employees instead of the goals and objectives of a given performance. It is possible to implement this method into a larger performance evaluation process, but only if the proper procedures are followed. A successful 360 review process involves having the appropriate confidentiality measures in place. This ensures that the information about the individuals is only used if they are safe from retaliation. 


Atkins, P., & Wood, R. (2002). Self-versus others’ ratings as predictors of assessment center ratings: Validation evidence for 360-degree feedback programs. Personnel Psychology, 55(4), 871904

Mathis, R. L., & Jackson, J. H. (2008). Human resource management (12th ed.)

Fiester, M. (2013, February 21). Performing Job Analysis. SHRM, Society of Human Resources Management. Retrieved April 21, 2016, from