One full page and a one paragraph summary

In this assignment you will select a topic in corrections and conduct a library search. 

1. Select a topic in corrections and punishment. Examples: solitary confinement, capital punishment, women in prison, private prisons, job stress among guards, mental health of prisoners, etc.  

2. Decide on 5-10 key terms that you will use in your search.

3. Use the link from the John Jay website to the library website. Next, go to the databases. Search database: Criminal Justice Abstracts. Limit the articles search to recent years: 2010 2020 and to peer-reviewed journals only.

4. From a larger group of selected articles, based on the titles and abstracts, choose 5.

5. Make sure that at least TWO articles comes from the top criminology/criminal justice journals:

Criminology, Criminology and Public Policy, Women in Criminal Justice, Prison Journal, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Justice Quarterly, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, Journal of Criminal Justice, International Journal of Criminal Justice,  Criminal Justice Journal, Feminist Criminology, Police Quarterly, Policing and Society, Policing: Policy and Practice, Policing: An International Journal, Criminal Justice and Behavior, Contemporary Sociology, The British Journal of Criminology, Crime and Delinquency, Punishment and Society, Theoretical Criminology.

6. You can also search a specific journal (see above) by selecting it in the library search (by the journals title) and reviewing what was published on your topic in the recent years. It is more time consuming but an interesting search. Also, that could be the only way to locate relevant articles in those journals.

7. Read the articles and then choose ONE that the best represents your topic.


Turn in no more than 1 page long paper (list 5 scholarly articles in APA and the summary of ONE article).Specifically:

1. Provide the title or the topic of this assignment! I need to know what topic you were researching2. List key terms that you used3. A list of 5 scholarly articles that you selected. Follow APA style! (deductions will apply if you dont follow APA). There is a link on the library website to the APA. 

And this is an example: 

Celinska, K., & H.Sung (2014). Gender differences in the determinants of prison rule violations. The Prison Journal 94, 2, 220-241.

4. Summarize in one-two paragraphs or 10-15 sentences the article that you selected. 

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