Online Analytic Processing (OLAP)

In 250-300 words, discuss:

Discussion Questions-

  • Review the databases selected last week and cite and justify examples of each; 
    • Consolidation
    • Drill-down
    • Slice and dice

The process of analyzing multidimensional data using three operations: consolidation (the aggregation of available), drill-down(the ability for users to see the underlying details), and slice and dice (the ability for users to select subsets and view them from different perspectives). 

Reference of the Database selected last week:

Alcohol Use Arthritis Asthma Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Birth Defects Births & Natality Blood Disorders Breastfeeding Cancer Chronic Diseases Chronic Kidney Disease Corona Virus Deaths & Mortality Environmental Health Food-borne Illness Genomics Heart Disease Healthy Aging Immunizations Injuries & Violence (WISQARS) Life Expectancy Lyme Disease Oral Health Overweight & Obesity Physical Activity Reproductive Health Smoking & Tobacco STDs Tuberculosis (TB) Viral Hepatitis