operational planning and policy – Discussion

Consider your company or one that you know well and evaluate the words of their mission and vision statements. You must include the companys mission and vision statements in your initial post.

Using the information in Table 2.1 from our text, (Thompson Jr. A. A, Peteraf, M. A., Gamble, J. E., and Strickland III, A. J. (2019). Crafting & Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases. 22nd Edition. McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 978-1-260-07510-6  ) critique the adequacy and merits of the words of their vision statement identifying effective elements and shortcomings. 

Using the below criteria, evaluate the adequacy and merits of the words of their mission statement. Mission Statement Criteria:

  1. Identifies the companys products and/or services.
  2. Specifics the buyer needs that the company seeks to satisfy and the customer groups or markets that it serves, and
  3. Gives the company its own identity.
  4. What recommended changes (identify at least one change for each statement) would you make for each statement and why? 

Please note that you are not evaluating what you know of can find out about the company, but simply the words they use for their vision and mission statements.

300 Words.


Please do not choose these companies as they are already selected by other students – Apple, Nike, Ford, Walt Disney