Operations Management Individual Research Paper 1


The assignment is an opportunity for students to apply course concepts to practical situations and to assess students’ grasp and understanding of the course concepts.  
You will select a company and examine a system or systems in one or two specified function (Human Resources, Sales & Marketing, Supply Chain, Accounting etc.) that could be used to perform operational and strategic business processes within that function.  
You will need to explain and recommend emerging new system or technology to replace older systems.  You need to develop a research paper 1,900 – 2,000 words.

  Title Page
  Introduction – What is your paper about
  Overview of the company/industry and functional area
  Existing systems used
  Potential new systems and technologies available
  Benefits of using new systems and technologies

Other than the factual information of the company and the system. Questions to think about:

1. Who are the parties involved and what are their interest? Human Resources? Accounting? Others?
2. Who are the decision makers? CEO? Managers? Others?
3. Pros and Cons of the system solution and implementation?
4. Can the system be fixed?
5. If necessary, what are some other systems out there suitable for replacement?
6. What are the benefits/ liabilities of the new system and its related business processes?

(For example, a companys payroll system – )