Organization Intervention: Diagnostic Plan Within Unit I, you chose a company that you either work for or with which you are familiar – US Army. For this assignment, please continue with that organiza

Organization Intervention: Diagnostic Plan

Within Unit I, you chose a company that you either work for or with which you are familiar – US Army. For this assignment, please continue with that organization. Start by providing a summary of the organization and the areas of ineffectiveness that you believe exist within the structure.

Secondly, outline the organization’s diagnosis process. Create and complete a table that includes the following headings:

–        Assumptions and Opinions of Work Outputs

–        Why These May Not Be True

–        What to Measure Instead.

Refer to Table 2.1 Differentiating Fact from Opinion on p. 17 of your textbook to see an example of a completed table.

After completing the table, provide a detailed written summary of the steps necessary to complete the diagnosis process. Your steps should also include the action research model (ARM) tool that you will use as a part of the diagnosis intervention. Chapter 3 provides additional information on the data collection process and what types of data should be collected. Be sure to include all three levels of the organization within your assignment (i.e., organization, group, and individual levels).

Your assignment must be at least two pages in length and include at least two scholarly sources. APA Style should be used throughout the paper.