Organization Strategy and Management

 Turnitin No More than 10%

Minimum number of words 350

Many experts indicate small changes can make a big difference.  This is true in health, appearance, relationships, exercise, work, family, etc.

Discuss, in detail, 3 small changes you have made in your life (any area) that have made a big difference as well as the other information below.  For example, drinking water instead of soda (you can’t use this one).  Make sure to clearly explain your change as well as results.




Age Category select one: (18-25)(26-30)(31-35)(36-40)(41-50)(51-60)(61+)
Answer –   41 – 50


Answer – Male

Industry of Current Employment:

 Answer – Self Employed small Business Transportation (Delivery Services eg Amazon Delivery Contract)

Strength of Social Support System on a scale of 1-10 (1=no support, 10=strong support):

Impact of COVID-19 on your life on a scale of -5 to 5 (-5 strong negative impact, 0 no impact, 5 strong positive impact):

My Age Group is 41 to 50

Gender Male

Industry of Current Employment  Self employed in Transportation