Organizational behavior


  1. How has the current cultural environment of our country shaped the way that companies are looking at their own corporate cultural standards?
  2. What are the potential downfalls and positive influences of the Netflix way?
  3. How does Netflixs internal culture negatively or positively affect its ability to stay competitive and deliver cutting-edge content?

Sources: B. Stelter, The Weinstein Effect: Harvey Weinstein scandal sparks movements in Hollywood and beyond, CNN Business, October 20, 2017,; L. Hertzler, Talking #MeToo, one year after bombshell Weinstein allegations, Penn Today, October 30, 2018,; S. Ramachandran and J. Flint, At Netflix, Radical Transparency and Blunt Firings Unsettle the Ranks, Wall Street Journal, October 25, 2018,