Organizational Change

MGT-325: Organizational Change Research: Part 1

Directions: Visit the website for the company you have selected and obtain a copy of the annual report. Locate three to five additional resources, including one from the Wall Street Journal, that provide data and information about the organization. You will use this research to determine potential areas for organizational change and to address questions related to planning and managing change within the company. Use the ADKAR model when answering the questions.

Company Name:


Company Vision:


Company Mission:


Criteria Research Findings Citation of Sources
Provide APA citations for the company’s annual report and the other research sources utilized in completing the assignment.
What are the indicators of an awareness of a need for change within the selected organization?    
What role does management play within change for this organization? How is collaboration achieved?    
How will this awareness of change be important to at least three stakeholders in the organization?    
Who are the agents of change within the organization?    
What role do these people play in the future of the organization?    
What role does technology play in communications for this organization?  How has it evolved over time?