Organizational Change Responses

A. Complete this Force Field Analysis assignment:
      1. Identify a specific problem (current state) and an ideal state (desired condition).
      2. Use Tool Kit 14.1 in Chapter 14 in Baldwin et al. (2013) to create a force field analysis for the situation. (ATTACHED)
                    a. Note: Is is not necessary to draw the lines and arrows in your answer.
                    b. Identify the driving and restraining forces, levels of strength, and what could be done to remove the forces that are a barrier to the ideal state you identified.

B. Complete this Scenario assignment:
        1. Review the Making Change Scenario:

Naomi is the manager of an inner city hospital in a large metropolitan region. The hospital has consistently been rated in the bottom quartile in the state. Naomi would like to implement several sweeping changes within the hospital that she believes will positively impact service and success. Naomi has already had extensive meetings with members of the board of trustees, other administrators, and a task force committee composed of representatives from various departments. The changes would involve implementation of new technology, required training and development for all staff, and employee performance standards to be measured by objective outcomes (data and supervisor evaluation based on observation and subjective ratings by patients and peers). Naomi would also like to include a pay-for-performance system that would reward top-performers with bonuses.

          2. Answer the following questions:
                  a. Who should be involved in developing and delivering the communication to all stakeholders?
                  b. What should be the medium for the communication (e.g., newsletter, email, open forum)?
                  c. What should the message be?
                  d. What other recommendations would you suggest to make the communication most effective?